Welcome to Strategic Community Alliance, Inc.
About Us

Our Mission
Strategic Community Alliance, Inc., independently or in cooperation with others, promotes diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity, and civility through education, coaching, outreach, the arts, culture, economics, public policies, and community engagement.
SCA seeks to be a part of the solution to address disparities between minorities of color and others effectively. We base our approach on extending mutual respect to everyone, including those with whom we disagree. One must expect that developing a viable resolution to such complex and personal issues will inherently compel the interest of individuals with opposing perspectives. SCA welcomes all viewpoints because our experience in civil rights, dispute resolution, and negotiations leads us to believe that all points of view have some potential value in resolving conflict. Therefore, SCA will always demonstrate respect to all parties because being uncivil or refusing to work with others will only prolong or eliminate the possibility of developing long-term and sustainable solutions that can relieve millions of United States citizens. SCA will always choose civility and collaboration with others to provide the best representation for those needing the changes and improvements we seek.
SCA recognizes that individuals commit acts that are inhumane and harmful to others, such as slavery and Jim Crow, that require proactive engagement to correct. The United States has made significant progress in its efforts to eradicate discrimination in our country. The evidence of the country’s progress includes the fact that our legislators eliminated most laws that supported slavery and Jim Crow as well as enacted anti-discrimination laws. Additionally, minorities of color continue to assume positions of authority that were not accessible to them in the past. Minorities of color, including Blacks,are represented at the highest levels of American society such as government, business, or politics. SCA’s focus will always be to learn and grow from our history. Therefore, SCA’s programming is centered around the achievements of minorities of color and creating a path for even greater success. SCA’s programs are forward-looking from the perspective of working to improve upon the past. Our team views challenges, whether institutional or individual, as a motivator for success, as attested to by those in our communities who are successful. The success of minorities in economic development, business, sports, politics, government, etc., attests to America’s progress in reducing systemic discrimination in all forms.
SCA Board of Directors

Dr. Sheni Meghani
Dr. Meghani is a board-certified Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Palliative Medicine, and Hospice Care physician. Her experience includes serving as a medical director of palliative care programs at several locations for a national healthcare organization. Dr. Meghani has developed programs, processes, and training in palliative care and served as faculty for Palliative Care Leadership Center. She also holds certification as an EEO investigator from the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. She is a graduate of the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training’s De-Escalation Instructor Course. Dr. Sheni Meghani is also fluent in three languages.

Mr. Dean Fagot
Vice President

Cain Davis
Mr. Davis has served as the CEO/Director of several large organizations in the public and private sectors. He is a retired military officer and a graduate of the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI). As a graduate of DEOMI, he earned the distinction of being a member of the Commandant’s List in recognition of his exceptional academic achievements. Mr. Davis also received his certification as an EEO investigator from the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission and is a graduate of the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training’s De-Escalation Instructor Course.